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About Me.

Hi I'm Cory Ferguson! I'm a Digital Video Major attending the University of Advancing Technology. In my free time I enjoy playing video games, listening to/ writing music, and watching movies. In short words I'm a nerd but I have passion for creation and expression. While working on all these projects I've been working on my own stories to share hopefully soon, some of my projects are just the iceberg! 


  • I have experience in a few different editing software (Premiere Pro, After Effects, Clip Champ).

  • I do some audio engineering and foley.

  • I have some experience with special effects and makeup.

  • I have a knack and experience with scriptwriting and storytelling.

Work History

Currently employed at Tjmaxx (April 2022- Present)



Currently working on my own original story (Summer 2020- Present)



Audio Recordings

Video Projects

Scripts (Episodes)


Art Projects 



Community Statement

Hi so this is me, by the website I assume you know it’s Cory, but if you don’t, I’m Cory Ferguson. While yes I am a student that majors in Digital Video, and that I work in retail or that I’m a nerd, I am. I’m where I’m at because it started with my love for creation, as young as maybe 6. I started with comic books either Spiderman or Batman and even made some about my own superhero story which was focused on me. It’s funny looking back at when I was 7 or 8 playing with my friends, “fighting the air” is what we did. Some of the stories I came up with are kind of impressive and the complexities of what’s morally right. It’s where it began for me and while some of that writing adapted or changed it somewhat stayed the same. I tried expressing my creations through drawings however I wasn’t very good but it was fun. As I got older I even wrote some music and being inspired by artists was incredibly rewarding yet terribly difficult due to me trying to perfect as much as possible. Even now I run into that issue but maybe that’s far more important as an adult. As an adult I had a big shift or “transition” in my life, I discovered in my first semester of college that I am a transgender woman. This was a revelation for sure and I wouldn’t go back, it’s arguably the best thing I’ve realized about myself. In realizing that now I feel like I have a more unique and potentially expressive experience in life. As a community statement goes, I have a community there with LGBTQ+ or even just trans people. Having that does make me want to help even if it’s not necessarily the most up front appearance but in whatever way I want to help my people. I think to add to a community and maybe this is way out of my depth but in helping other queer people either through expression or opportunities. I think education or simply educating people outside of that community can really bring people together but also ease tension through people’s differences. I know society has grown and will continue to do so but even if one active person is helping the most they can, in turn that helps everyone. We can make a better world by simply just accepting and loving each other. I know this may not have been the expected outcome of my community statement but ultimately it’s something I want to do even if it helps just one person.


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